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There are four people in my family: my mother, my father, my brother and columbia craigslist casual me. There is always much work in columbia craigslist casual the garden near the summer-cottage. My duties about the house are to clean the rooms, to wash the dishes after meals, to do shopping. Sometimes I help my mother to bake cakes and pies, to lay the table for meals. In the spring and in the autumn I often help my parents in the garden. As you columbia craigslist casual know, our casual columbia craigslist group has columbia craigslist casual two English lessons a week: on Tuesday columbia craigslist casual and Friday. When the teacher comes and opens the door, we come in and sit down. Then we open our bags and take our exercise-books and Bonk's text-books. We usually start it by pronouncing different words and sounds. Then we are usually invited to the blackboard dating sites hobbs nm by the teacher and Miss Anna asks us the words we were to teach by heart. After that we usually do some exercises from the text-book. These exercises teach us to ask questions, or how to make negative sentences and so on. Then, using tests in our exercise-books, we usually write spelling, two tests and a quiz. During the lesson we speak mostly English, but sometimes, when the students don't understand the teacher or the task in the text-book, we start speaking Armenian.
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